United Methodist Connection

McMurry University was founded in 1923 by the Northwest Texas and New Mexico Conferences of the United Methodist Church. Since then, McMurry’s goal has been to provide students with an undergraduate education of the highest standard in an atmosphere of spiritual growth.

United Methodist Student Scholarships

  • McMurry is committed to an affordable education for all students. United Methodist students have unique opportunities for scholarships and financial aid.
  • Methodist Clergy Dependent Scholarship- $1500 per year. This scholarship is awarded annually to dependents of United Methodist clergy.

In addition to the scholarships and grants provided by McMurry University, we encourage our United Methodist students to apply for additional scholarships through:

Religious Life at McMurry

McMurry provides an environment of spiritual growth and services. Students are encouraged to strengthen their faith through a variety of opportunities. From our weekly university Chapel service, international mission trips,  and spiritual formation retreats in Taize, France, McMurry students encounter God in life-changing ways.

For More Information

Office of Admission