McMurry Counseling Center

Professional counseling is offered to all McMurry students and staff members. The McMurry Counseling Center is committed to providing you a safe, confidential environment where you can work to gain personal healing and growth.

Are you currently experiencing depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, trauma (current or past), family of origin issues, alcohol/drug abuse, grief, relationship issues, confusion, or ANY other struggles that you feel are having an impact on your life? Please contact the counseling center today to schedule your appointment.

We would LOVE to visit with you. We are here to help you and want you to be successful.

Interested in scheduling an appointment?

  • Complete and submit the Referral Form
  • Call the Counseling Center at 325-793-4882
  • Email the Director of Counseling Services, Jason Shaw.

In Case of Emergency

  • 24 Hour Crisis Line: 1-800-758-3344
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
    *24-Hour , Toll-Free suicide prevention service available to anyone in suicide crisis.
  • Oceans Behavioral Hospital: (325) 691-0030
    4225 Woods Place Abilene, Texas 79601
    *In-patient and out-patient psychiatric hospital specializing in mental health

Schedule a follow up appointment


Your confidentiality is EXTREMELY important to the counseling staff at the McMurry Counseling Center.  All aspects of your participation in counseling at the McMurry Counseling Center, including the scheduling of appointments, contents of counseling sessions, contents of counseling records, and outcomes of counseling are confidential by state law. Your counseling files are NOT part of your academic record. The professionals within the counseling center are bound by professional ethics and work hard to maintain your confidentiality. If you have any concerns regarding your confidentiality, please feel free to discuss your concerns with your counselor in your initial session. All concerns will be addressed!


Opportunities are available for upper-level psychology students to gain exposure in the field of counseling. Assisting with research projects, counseling center promotion, special events, and psychoeducational programming such as National Alcohol Screening day all give students experience in the field of psychology. If you are interested in this program, email Jason Shaw.

* It is important to be aware that email communication can be relatively easily accessed by unauthorized people and hence can compromise the privacy and confidentiality of such communication. Emails, in particular, are vulnerable to such unauthorized access due to the fact that servers have unlimited and direct access to all emails that go through them.  A non-encrypted email, such as this, is even more vulnerable to unauthorized access. Please note that if you do not feel comfortable submitting an intake form via email, that you can call the Counseling Center to schedule an appointment.

Helpful Links

The ACU Psychology Clinic provides quality community counseling and psychological assessment to Abilene and the Big Country.

Counseling Staff

Jason Shaw Director of Counseling and Disability Services