McMurry's Centennial Celebration will not be complete without YOU!
Make plans to participate in as many activities as you can. Reminisce with cherished friends, step back through time to our humble beginnings, proudly recall our many accomplishments over the years, and celebrate who we are—past, present, and future—Indians and War Hawks. We are all McMurry!
Centennial Time Capsule
As part of our Centennial celebration, we will seal a time capsule to be opened 25 years from now. Please submit your ideas for items to be enclosed in the time capsule that are indicative of this time in history—either McMurry’s history or our country’s history. For example, no item would be associated more with the 2020s than a face mask!
Special Centennial Events

Centennial Iris Garden Planting and Unveiling
As a part of McMurry’s Centennial celebration, the University is constructing a new Centennial Iris Garden located on the southwest…
Centennial Kickoff Rally
Enjoy food, fellowship, and fun as we kick off our year-long Centennial celebration! Join us for: Official opening and Centennial…
Homecoming and Reunion Weekend
Make plans to join our students, alumni, families, and friends for one of McMurry’s largest annual gatherings to celebrate McMurry…