Residence Life

Most students are required to live on campus. By living on campus you’ll be at the center of it all, and there is no better place to be!

Living in the residence halls is a blast! McMurry Residence Life strives to create communities of learning, service, and living, fostered by the ideals of friendship, cooperation, faith and education. Through facilities, staffing and programming we build our home one resident at a time.

Male and female students have a choice of Residence Halls. Females and males live in Gold Star Hall. Also, females can choose Martin Hall and males can choose Hunt Hall.  Upperclassmen with qualifying hours and GPAs may also choose to live in the on-campus apartments. All residence halls and on-campus apartments feature wireless internet access in addition to high-speed internet.

Living on campus is a great way to become a part of the McMurry community!

While living on the McMurry campus, you’ll find that your neighbors are no longer strangers—they become like family! The relationships you build with them will last a lifetime, and building those relationships will be one of the most fun and memorable times of your life.

In order to live off-campus you must meet one of the following requirements:

  • Lived on campus for 4 long semesters
  • Completed a minimum of 60 McMurry credit hours
  • You are at least 21 years of age
  • You will be living with your parents or legal guardians within a 30 mile radius of the campus.
  • Are married/getting married.


Gold Star


Once you have been accepted to McMurry University and paid your enrollment deposit to the admissions office, you will receive an email inviting you to apply for housing. These emails are typically sent out at the end of February/early March. If you do not receive the email by this time, please contact your admissions counselor. Admissions can be reached at 325-793-4700 or 800-460-2392.

Once we have received your Housing application, the next step in the process is to have your lease processed by the Office of Residence Life and Housing. You will receive your room assignment starting in May and then throughout the summer as your information is received.

Housing Deposits

The $250 Enrollment Deposit made during the admission process is composed of $150 enrollment deposit and a $100 housing deposit.  Additionally, an application fee of $50 will be charged to your student account during your first semester when you complete the housing contract to live in the residence halls.

Bacterial Meningitis Vaccine

Required by state law effective January 1, 2010, as states: A first-time student attending an institution of higher education or private or independent institution of higher education, including a transfer student, who plans to reside in on-campus housing in an on-campus dormitory or other on-campus student housing facility must show evidence of vaccination against bacterial meningitis.  The student must have received the vaccination at least 10 days prior to the student taking up residence in on-campus housing.

Housing Staff

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
The University is closed Saturday and Sunday

Office of Residence Life and Housing
Office: 325-793-4643
Fax: 325-793-4799 

1 McMurry University, Box 245
Abilene, TX 79697

Resident Portal

Shane Reynolds Director of Residence Life and Housing

Dining Staff

Bobby Larry Director of Food Services