
The mission of the McMurry Career Development Center is to provide a supportive environment for McMurry students and alumni to engage in individualized career exploration and planning that complements their academic experience and supports their professional goals.  McMurry CDC is committed to serving the diverse campus community and alumni with sound knowledge and supportive enthusiasm for academic, career, and personal development leading to careers that reflect their values and lead to lives of leadership and service.  It also provides opportunities for employers to have access to bright talent through campus events and online resources.

Services and Events

  • Major field of study and Career Guidance
  • Students uncertain of which major to declare
  • Part-time work while attending classes
  • Graduates about to enter the workforce
  • Preparing for graduate school
  • Alumni seeking employment or career change
  • Alumni Career Networking
  • Business Etiquette Dinner
  • Graduate School, Virtual, Part-time, Internship, and Teacher Job Fairs
  • Class Presentations and Absent Professor Program
    • We offer a variety of presentations covering various career-related topics including Resume and Cover-Letter Writing, Networking Basics, Business Etiquette and Successful Interviewing Techniques. If you are interested in scheduling a presentation for your class, please call (325) 793-4880 or email slane@mcm.edu

Student Four Year Career Plan

Self Evaluation & Career Planning

As you begin your college education, it’s perfectly okay not to know what you want to do later in life. Take time now to learn as much as you can about your skills, personality, lifestyle preferences, interests and values. This information will help you choose a major and begin to explore the exciting world of career possibilities awaiting you!

  • Develop your interests and skills through student organizations, sports, classes, volunteer organizations and extracurricular activities.
  • Get to know faculty, staff and advisors.
  • Explore courses and talk to advisors about options you are considering.
  • Establish good time management and study skills.
  • Take FOCUS, an online career guidance tool. Obtain information in Career Development Office
  • Explore majors and career options at the Career Development Office.
  • Browse through library books and internet resources.
  • Talk about your career interests with parents, friends, professors and other individuals already employed. Also, talk with McMurry career development staff.
  • Acquire computer skills by familiarizing yourself with word processing and various types of software.

Summer Vacation

  • Get a summer job in a related field you are considering for a career
  • Work hard to pay your own expenses
  • Develop a strong work ethic

Career Development Staff

The Career Development staff is located in President Residence Hall South.
1 McMurry Station #657
Abilene, TX 79697
Office: (325) 793-4880
Fax: (325) 793-4879

Sandy Lane Secretary for Counseling & Disability Services