Policies for Using Information Services at McMurry University

McMurry University is committed to academic freedom. In accord with this ideal, the information systems that support the university’s academic mission are to be governed in the least restrictive manner possible. Likewise, McMurry embraces a philosophy that encourages the empowerment of individuals through access to all relevant technology and information. McMurry’s policies for information systems are designed to ensure the most effective delivery of resources to the, largest body of users. These principles are balanced by other important concerns and McMurry’s commitment to Christian education. McMurry’s policies reflect an appreciation for both the freedom based ideals of higher education and legal, ethical and practical demands that should constrain all system users.

The information systems (including networks, computer accounts, microcomputers, computer, printers, software, electronic mail, and telephones) at McMurry are available for the use of McMurry students, faculty and staff in support of the programs of the University. All students, faculty and staff are responsible for seeing that these information systems are used in an effective, efficient, ethical and lawful manner. Information Systems Usage Policies will be revised periodically. The latest official copy of these policies is available from the Computer Services. Copies will also be posted on various University information servers, such as the McMurry Home Page and made available in the Council Fire.

The use of information systems is a privilege, not a right, which may be revoked at any time for misuse. The following policies relate to their use.


  • No one should deliberately attempt to degrade the performance of or destroy any information system. The definition of an information system includes networks, computers, personal computers, computer workstations, and telephone systems.
  • No one may use resources for which they are not specifically authorized. Unauthorized use of another person’s computer account, telephone PIN number, or other information system resource is prohibited unless permission is expressly given. Exploiting loopholes or bugs in information systems security systems to pin extra resources, take resources from another user, gain access to systems or use systems for which proper authorization has not been given is prohibited. Anyone who engages in such behavior will be subject to disciplinary actions from the university, including possible criminal charges.
  • Copyrighted software is not to be copied to or from using campus information systems, except as permitted by the license agreement with the owner of the copyright. The use of software on a local area network or on multiple computers must be in accordance with the license agreement. Anyone who violates copyright restrictions may be held personally liable for civil or criminal penalties.
  • The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act requires that the confidentiality of student information be upheld. Each McMurry University employee is expected to protect the confidentiality of student information contained on any McMurry information system. McMurry University provides access to confidential student information only in cases of legitimate education interest (need to know). Information may not be given to non-McMurry University parties unless it is unrestricted ‘directory information!, authorized in writing by the student or in accordance with specific McMurry University policies. For additional information regarding the confidentiality and the release of information, contact the McMurry University Registrar.
  • The information systems are owned by the University and are to be used for University related activities only. Information systems are to be used only for the purpose for which they are assigned and are not to be used for commercial purposes or non-university related activities without specific permission to do so.
  • All access to and modification of the central information systems, (including the DEC ALPHA and various files servers) must be approved through the Computer Services. All programs or files that are added to public directories or removed from public directories on the DEC ALPHA or any file server must receive prior approval the Computer Information Director.
  • Computer programs, electronic mail, voice mail and electronic files are considered private and confidential unless they have explicitly been made available to other authorized individuals. However, the privacy and confidentiality cannot be guaranteed due to the limitations of security on the Internet and other networks. Their contents may be accessed by systems managers as files, programs and e-mail traverse a network.
  • Within the networks controlled by McMurry University, only authorized personnel from the Computer Services or the Administration for may browse files, and-only for compelling business -and/or security reasons.
  • Fraudulent, harassing or obscene messages and/or materials are not to be sent, printed, requested or stored on university owned computers. Pornographic materials constitute harassing material to most users of the network.
  • A computer account assigned to an individual may not be used by others without explicit permission from the owner of that account. The individual is responsible for the proper use of the account, including proper password protection.
  • Information system accounts which expire, along with the files in the expired accounts, will be deleted. Accounts expire in accordance with the terms of the account. Students E- mail messages will be deleted at the end of each semester.