Throughout times of crisis, our frontline workers demonstrate their courage and commitment through their actions — serving and prioritizing others over themselves. McMurry University wants to show our appreciation for these essential heroes by providing financial support for their families.


To honor the commitment and sacrifice of our public servants, we are offering a 50% tuition discount for incoming students who are employed, or students whose parent, legal guardian, or spouse is employed full-time at a non-profit organization, in public service, healthcare, ministry, or education.

If you would like more information, or know a student who may qualify, complete this form so that we can connect with you or your student regarding eligibility.

More Information

  • Students whose parent, legal guardian, or spouse is currently employed full-time as a first responder, in education, healthcare, ministry, public service, or at a non-profit are eligible. Examples of eligible employment include, but are not limited to:
    • Healthcare providers
    • Churches and ministry-related work
    • U.S. military
    • First responders (police, EMT, firefighters)
    • Teachers and school administrators
  • Participating students must be enrolled full-time.
  • Students must be either a new freshman or transfer student to the institution.
  • Active duty military students receive tuition at the current tuition assistance rate. The tuition assistance program offers a larger benefit to students than the Community Commitment. Students who have a guardian who has served in the U.S. military institutions may qualify.
  • Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA and make satisfactory academic progress for Community Commitment renewal.
nursing student
“Service above self is in the DNA of McMurry University. The Community Commitment will honor those who chose selfless service, whether they are serving the community through teaching, caring for, or saving others, or in military service to our country. During the current COVID-19 crisis, awareness of the sacrifices of our community heroes has been heightened, and McMurry is excited to be able to offer a distinctive scholarship to reward individuals for their commitment to others.”
Dr. Sandra S. Harper President, McMurry University

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