Library Services for Online Students
Students in online classes at McMurry have access to the library’s resources through the library’s website, email, phone conversations, and an online chat service.
Contact Us
Main #: 325-793-4692
Reference# 325-793-4683
How we can help:
- Guided research assistance by phone, email, or chat.
- Access to databases, electronic journals and eBooks, 24/7, through the library website using your email username and password.
- Access to the online catalog 24/7.
- If you need print material, you can request a book on interlibrary loan through your local library or arrange with McMurry’s Reference Librarian.
- If using eBooks available for McMurry patrons found in the online catalog, you will log in using your McMurry email username and password.
- You can search for Articles, eBooks and Journals in Multi-Search or our individual databases. Log in using your McMurry email username and password.
- Multi-Search is a platform to search our online Catalog, most of our databases and more eBooks, ejournals and other resources.
- Search specific databases by clicking on the DATABASES tab. You will find links to all of our individual databases organized by alphabet or subject and tutorials.
- Chat – select the
button on the website and connect with our online reference chat service. (This is available 24/7.) We collaborate with 20 other libraries to bring you this service.
- Interlibrary loans:
- You can request Inter-Library Loan’s (ILL’s) through your local library or through McMurry using WorldCat or Multi-Search to make requests. Contact our reference librarian, for assistance.
- TexShare Cards
- If you are located in Texas, you may request a TexShare card. This card allows you to check out two books at a time from your local participating University Libraries.
How do I Search…?
- Multi-Search uses the EBSCO Discovery Service to search for books and articles in the databases, ebooks, library catalog and ejournals through a single portal.
- EJournals uses the Full Text Finder to search for journals in the library’s collection whether print or in databases.
Tutorials for individual databases (Individual databases are found under Databases tab)
- Academic Search Complete– Full text, scholarly, multi-disciplinary database covering areas of academic study.
- Business Source Complete– Full text articles from journals and major reference works in all disciplines of business including marketing, management, accounting, finance and economics.
- Credo Reference
- E-books from EBSCO– a growing collection of E-books on multiple topics
- Federal Register– is the daily newspaper published every business day by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). It contains government agency rules, proposed rules, and public notices.
- HeinOnline– source of legal information. It provides access to a large number of law libraries.
- Legal Collection– Indexes respected, scholarly peer-reviewed law publications; includes journals, documents, and case studies. Provides information on topics such as criminal justice, international law, federal law, organized crime, medical, labor & human resource law, ethics, and the environment. (EBSCO)
- LexisNexis– Over 6,000 news, business, and legal sources.
- Masterfile– Coverage includes business, health, education, general science, and multi-cultural issues; dates back to 1975. Contains full text for general reference magazines and publications, reference works, primary source documents, photos, maps and images.
- MyJSTOR— Archive of scholarly content in the disciplines of the arts, sciences, humanities, business, mathematics.
- WorldCat–OCLC catalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide. Students can use the WorldCat ILL link for interlibrary loan requests
Contact Us
Main #: 325-793-4692
Reference# 325-793-4683
We are here to help!